Student Exchange
University of Strathclyde, Scotland – Undergraduate Exchange Program

The University of Strathclyde has a reputable Speech Language Therapy major as well as a similar curriculum to the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences major at SDSU. Being at a similar institution allows for a new experience and alternative view of speech language and hearing sciences, without putting students behind in the classes expected for graduation at SDSU.
The University is located in the heart of Glasgow, bordering the Royal Infirmary, a large teaching hospital. Students will observe Audiologists in the Royal Infirmary, as well as Speech and Language Therapists working in Glasgow, and in neighboring Scottish towns working with a variety of populations including individuals with hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Class Credit
Students will receive credit for major classes SLHS 513 – Foundations of Speech-Language: Development and SLHS 580 – Communication Processes and Aging during that semester.
Additional International Opportunities for Undergraduates
College of Health & Human Services Undergraduate International Experience
The College of Health & Human Services provides opportunities for an international component in all its undergraduate curricula, including its Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences undergraduate major. As part of this component, students may participate in residence for two or more weeks. Specific details about the upcoming travel opportunities can be found on the CHHS Undergraduate International Experience website.
Specific details about the requirement and upcoming travel opportunities can be found on the CHHS Undergraduate International Experience web site.
Contact Us
SDSU Speech Language and Hearing
San Diego, CA 92182-1518