AuD Strategic Plan

Our Mission and Strategic Plan reflects both the mission our University and our College

The Mission of San Diego State University is to provide research-oriented, high-quality education for undergraduate and graduate students and to contribute to the solution of problems through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. The university strives to impart an appreciation and broad understanding of the human experience throughout the world and the ages. This education extends to diverse cultural legacies and accomplishments in many areas, such as the arts and technology; the advancement of human thought including philosophy and science; the development of economic, political, and social institutions; and the physical and biological evolution of humans and their environment. San Diego State University pursues its mission through its many diverse departments and interdisciplinary programs in the creative and performing arts, the humanities, the sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences.

The Mission of the College of Health and Human Services is: Together we advance equitable health and wellbeing for all.

The Mission of the Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Audiology is to train students, contribute research and serve the community to promote well-being and to empower individuals to reach their potential.  We believe that communication is a human right and strive to ensure that our work is based on evidence and centered on the people we serve.

The Vision of the JDP in Audiology is to prepare reflective learners that will serve diverse, changing communities and promote well-being related to hearing and balance.

Thus, in our strategic plan we aim to:

1. Improve our Patient Centered Care (PCC) training.

  • Two sub-goals address increased PCC training in the classroom and demonstration of PCC related skills in the clinic.

2. Improve our Evidence Based Practice (EBP) training.

  • Four sub-goals address EBP in the classroom, demonstration of EBP in the clinic, participation in research early in the program, and attendance at State or National Professional meetings

3. Continue our efforts to promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in our student training, in our faculty, and in our patient care.

  • Five sub-goals address a diverse student population and patient population, working with interpreters, DEI training and demonstration of DEI in the clinic.

Click here to see the current strategic plan (revised September 2023)

Contact Us

SDSU Speech Language and Hearing

SDSU Speech Language and Hearing
5245 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1518